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Transform Your Life With Positivity!!

The Power Is
Within You

Meet Sunny

As a Transformational Life Coach, my goal is to help you become the next BEST version of yourself. We are living in a time of monumental world change. It is the most exciting yet challenging time in our history. It is time for each of us to "wake up" and start experiencing our BEST Life NOW! I want to help empower you to turn breakdowns into breakthroughs just like I was able to do for myself...

Soncerá Austin, CHC, CLC, NLP

Get Back To LOVE
Get Back To LOVE
In this heartfelt video, we delve into the idea that at our core, we are pure love. Life’s challenges and societal conditioning often harden us, leading us away from this fundamental truth. From early childhood, many of us are told what we can’t do, leading to a loss of connection with the love that we truly are. This disconnect manifests as negativity, cynicism, and even anger in adulthood, making it difficult to recognize the love that is our true nature. Through a touching anecdote about the pure joy and love expressed by a small child, we are reminded of the innate love we all possess. The video emphasizes the importance of self-care and self-love as crucial steps toward rediscovering and nurturing this love within ourselves. By making well-being our priority —both physically and mentally—we can return to being joyful and loving as we were born to be. The video encourages viewers to start with themselves: by caring for and loving oneself, we set the foundation for personal growth and the ability to positively influence others. Imagine a world where more people reconnect with their loving essence—what a profound impact that would have on all society. So, let’s start today. Let’s get back to love, beginning with ourselves, and create a ripple effect that can change the world. Email: Website: IG: #GetBackToLove #SelfLove #PureLove #PersonalGrowth #SelfCare #WellBeing #EmotionalHealing #InnerPeace #PositiveChange #LoveYourself
DCA Your Life
DCA Your Life
In this video, we explore the transformative concept of applying Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) beyond finance and into your everyday life. Dollar Cost Averaging is an investment strategy where small, consistent contributions are made over time, minimizing the impact of market fluctuations while steadily building wealth. But what if we could apply this same principle to personal growth? Imagine the cumulative effect of small, consistent actions in areas like health, learning, and relationships. We start by breaking down how small, daily efforts, like a 10-minute workout, can lead to significant health improvements over time. Similarly, dedicating just 15 minutes a day to learning a new skill or language can result in substantial proficiency over months. The same goes for relationships—spending even a few minutes of quality time with loved ones consistently can strengthen bonds and enrich your life. The key takeaway is that small, incremental changes, when applied consistently, can create significant, positive shifts in your life—just as they do in investment portfolios. Whether you're looking to improve your health, learn something new, or strengthen your relationships, DCA-ing your life can help you achieve your goals. It’s about taking that first step today and committing to steady, ongoing growth. Start today by investing in yourself—DCA your life to create the reality you desire. Email: Website: IG: #InvestInYourself #PersonalGrowth #DCAYourLife #SelfImprovement #ConsistentAction #HealthyHabits #LearnAndGrow #RelationshipGoals #LongTermSuccess #SmallChanges
TINAR Series No. 2 - Have Faith In YOURSELF
TINAR Series No. 2 - Have Faith In YOURSELF
In this thought-provoking video, "Have Faith... in Yourself: Looking Beyond External Things," we delve into the transformative power of self-belief and inner strength. Often, in our quest for meaning and fulfillment, we seek guidance and solace outside ourselves—through people, places, or belief systems—hoping they will lead us to a purposeful life. However, true empowerment comes from within. By acknowledging and embracing the energy that resides inside us, we unlock a wellspring of potential and resilience. Using a compelling analogy, we compare the human body to a car, illustrating the universal cycle of life. Just as a car requires maintenance and repair, so does our body. This process transcends religious, cultural, and societal differences, applying to everyone regardless of their background. The key to maintaining our well-being lies in nurturing the mind, body, and spirit connection. We must nourish our bodies with healthy foods, exercise, and rest. Mentally, we need to cultivate positive thoughts and avoid the trap of negativity. Spiritually, we should elevate our vibration through self-love and positive affirmations, viewing mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Join in as we explore these ideas and share the inspiring poem "Believe in Yourself" by Emily Matthews, which encourages us to trust in our inner strength and potential. By aligning our mind, body, and spirit, we embark on a journey towards a fulfilling and empowered life, guided by our own inner faith. Email: Website: IG: #SelfBelief #Faith #InnerStrength #Empowerment #MindBodySpirit #PersonalGrowth #PositiveThinking #SelfCare #InnerEnergy #LifeCycle #MentalHealth #SpiritualGrowth #PositiveAffirmations #BelieveInYourself #Fulfillment
Invisible Energy - Part 2
Invisible Energy - Part 2
In "Invisible Energy – (Part 2)," we delve into the unseen elements that are crucial to our existence and well-being. More than 90% of what we depend on for life is invisible, from the air we breathe to the radio waves and frequencies enabling our modern communication. This video sheds light on these hidden forces, including gravity, microorganisms, electricity, and Wi-Fi, illustrating their vital roles in our daily lives. Beyond the physical, it emphasizes the immense power of our imagination and thoughts. Our minds, filled with invisible thoughts, have the extraordinary ability to shape our reality, influencing our attitudes, beliefs, and actions. By understanding and harnessing this power, we can steer our lives towards positivity and fulfillment. This video encourages viewers to acknowledge the potent, invisible energies both around and within us, urging us to embrace our thoughts' power to transform our lives profoundly. Whether it's through positive thinking, imagination, or conscious mental training, the video underscores that the key to our success and happiness lies in recognizing and cultivating these invisible forces. Email: Website: IG: #InvisibleEnergy #PowerOfThought #MindsetMatters #Imagination #PositiveThinking #InvisibleForces #MentalPower #RealityCreation #SuccessMindset #WellBeing #InvisibleThoughts #HarnessYourMind

I came from a life of many challenges. The greatest challenge was overcoming my fear of leaving a high control religion. I was plagued with feelings of obligation and guilt. Somehow, I would have to find the mental strength to become empowered to take control of my life. That is when I realized that I had to let go. If that was not enough, I also had to recover from a nearly fatal domestic violence incident. Despite the sufferings that came from living through these traumas, I was able to gain a new perspective and inner awakening that launched me onto this amazing life-affirming path of healing and self-discovery.

My background & Challenges




To help guide you along your journey.

I truly believe that our true purpose is to help one another learn and grow. I will work one-on-one with you to help you transform fear to fearlessness so you can LIVE a LIFE you LOVE.

Life is meant to be challenging but joyous. It is when we work through these challenges that we learn and grow. You are up to YOU.


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