Transform Your Life With Positivity!!
SunnyTLC Collection is what happens when you push the barriers that hold us back.

If that wasn’t enough, I also had to recover from a nearly fatal domestic violence incident. Despite the sufferings that came from living through these traumas, I was able to gain a new perspective and inner awakening that launched me onto this amazing life-affirming path of healing and self-discovery.
I came from a life of many challenges. The greatest challenge was overcoming my fear of leaving Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was plagued with constant feelings of religious obligation and guilt. Somehow I would have to find the mental strength to become empowered to take control of my life. That is when I realized that I had to let go.
My Story
To help guide you along your journey.
I truly believe that our true purpose is to help one another learn and grow. I will work one-on-one with you to help you transform fear to fearlessness so you can LIVE a LIFE you LOVE.
My Mission